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CS 171: Introduction to Computer Graphics

Undergraduate course, Caltech, CMS, 2022

Teaching Assistant and Grader

  • Led bi-weekly recitation section on various topics in Computer Graphics
    • Fundamentals of Geometry Processing
    • Energy-conserving physics simulation
    • Ray Tracing
  • Led weekly office hours where I provided personalized assistance to students through teaching and debugging.

CS 177: Discrete Differential Geometry

Graduate/Undergraduate course, Caltech, CMS, 2023

Teaching Assistant and Grader

  • Held weekly office hours on varioius topics within Discrete Differential Geometry
    • Mean Curvature Flow
    • Conformal Maps for Image Texturing
    • Exterior Calculus

CS 179: GPU Programming

Graduate/Undergraduate course, Caltech, CMS, 2023

Teaching Assistant and Grader

  • Led bi-weekly recitation section on various topics in GPU Programming
    • Parallel Reduction in CUDA
    • CUDA Libraries
      • cuBLAS, cuSPARSE, cuFFT, cuDNN, etc.
  • Led weekly office hours where I provided personalized assistance to students through teaching and debugging.